Americans Living in Korea In 2021 (Street Interview by Asian Boss)


Americans Living in Korea In 2021 
(Street Interview by Asian Boss)

Did you know there are over 150,000 Americans living here in South Korea? This is almost 3 times the number of Americans living in Japan. Why did they come to Korea and what do they do for a living? Asian Boss hit the streets of Seoul to find out.

Hi everybody it's Alex from Asian boss did you know that there are over 150 000 Americans living here in south Korea that's more than three times the number of Americans that are living in japan and that number may surprise you considering that north Korea is only an hour away from Seoul the capital of south Korea as an american myself i wanted to find other Americans and ask them why they are living here in south Korea and why they are choosing to stay as well so let's go find some Americans and find out so quick introduction

Where are you from and how long have you been in Korea?

My name is Ashe I'm from Brooklyn new york and I've lived in Korea for four years now.

My name is Cameron i'm from Arkansas in the united states and I've
been in Korea for five and a half years.

Now I've been here for two years now i'm originally from Virginia a really tiny town so this is like a big difference for me 

um i want to say expat moving into immigration my husband's Korean so i do want to have a future here and live here permanently that's my goal



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