Safe Travel Tips for Solo Traveler By Stephanie


"Things aren't good right now, 
so we're stuck with couch, can't go on a trip. 
But It's no problem for us to see great travel photos 
and fun experiences on the internet, right?

So I'm going to share the ultimate travel experience 
all over the world with you guys. 
Let's see together and enjoy the trip with your heart."



21 Tips for Safe Travel

I took my first solo trip when I was 19 years old. Since, I’ve traveled solo in Europe, South and Central America, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East. I’ve even traveled solo and met people through social media. I’ve learned a few techniques about safe travel.

For the most part, it’s individuals, not places that make an experience unsafe. Crime sees no borders. However, these tips might better position in an effort to prevent wrong doings.

Keep the address of your accommodation

In both English and the native language of the region. Write the address of your accommodation in both your phone’s notes and in a little notebook (in case you lose your phone or it dies). Make sure that everyone in your group does this (in case you split up).

Get travel insurance and register with S.T.E.P. 

I know heaps of people (usually British for some reason) who get injured overseas and have to head home or pay medical costs up front. If you are American, register with S.T.E.P. (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) if your insurance doesn’t already cover you overseas. Try World Nomads.

If you’re walking alone at night

Walk slightly behind a couple or a group. It sounds a little creepy, but you don’t want to stand out as walking alone, especially if you are a girl. Obviously, don’t follow them home, but stay on the same side of the street as them.

 Avoid dark and non-tourist areas at night. 

 Keep money in more than one location. 

Get a sturdy bag. Wear your backpack facing front. 

Don’t bring attention to yourself as being a tourist. 


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