10 Solo Female Travel Fears by Backpacker Banter


"Things aren't good right now, 
so we're stuck with couch, can't go on a trip. 
But It's no problem for us to see great travel photos 
and fun experiences on the internet, right?

So I'm going to share the ultimate travel experience 
all over the world with you guys. 
Let's see together and enjoy the trip with your heart."

Backpacker Banter

10 Solo Female Travel Fears
And Why You Shouldn’t Worry!

"Travelling as a solo female can be a scary thought, but you shouldn’t let it stop you! Here are some of the most common fears and why you shouldn’t worry!

Before I started traveling I had fears and would stay awake at night thinking about all the dangers of being a solo female traveller.

The media has conditioned us to be afraid of any place that isn’t home but its’s basically trapping you in your own little bubble.

I kept thinking to myself, 

Will I met people? 

Will I die if I drink the local water? 

Will I become homesick and lonely? 

Of course you’ll have these thoughts but from experience and being on the road constantly I can honestly say some of your biggest worries about travelling solo as a female are things you shouldn’t worry about and they certainly shouldn’t hold you back from exploring.

So here are some of the most common questions I get asked about being a female traveller and why they aren’t that big of a deal… "

1. Will I be safe traveling solo?

2. What if I don't know the language?

3. Should I talk to strangers?

4. Is it easy meeting people?



source : http://www.backpackerbanter.com/blog/solo-female-travel-fears-why-you-shouldnt-worry

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