How Traveling Solo Almost Killed Me By Alyssa Ramos


"Things aren't good right now, 
so we're stuck with couch, can't go on a trip. 
But It's no problem for us to see great travel photos 
and fun experiences on the internet, right?

So I'm going to share the ultimate travel experience 
all over the world with you guys. 
Let's see together and enjoy the trip with your heart."


Alyssa Ramos

How Traveling Solo Almost Killed Me (4 Times in a Row)

"It’s taken me almost two years to write about how traveling solo almost killed me four times…in a row…in less than two months. I’m sure you can understand why. It’s not exactly fun to talk about, and I still get short of breath when I do.

Most of all though, I wanted to fully recover from the PTSD and anxiety it incurred, and make sure I still loved traveling before revealing what could happen to anyone. Anywhere.

Well wait. No, that’s a lie. The way I travel is way more aggressive and often than most people, so my chances of getting in an accident are much higher. To be honest, it was like the universe was slamming me with all of my over-due accidents that never happened in the entire six years I was traveling solo before this all happened."

Flipping a Rental Car in Patagonia

"We drove for about two hours on the winding dirt road, taking in the sights of nature and occasional cow.

Suddenly I went over one of the cattle grates (metal poles that are laid in the ground to prevent cows from leaving their land), and when I was back on the dirt road, the tires started sliding.

I could feel the car sliding sideways…straight towards a steep drop-off. Everything I had learned about shifting gears went straight out the window as I tried to battle the steering wheel to make the car go away from the cliff and towards the dirt wall to the left....."

Panic Attack while Diving in a Cave in Mexico

"It was my second time traveling solo and doing a roadtrip in Tulum, and I was super excited to be doing a cenote diving collaboration.

In case you don’t know, a cenote is like an underwater cave, that looks really pretty above water, and terrifying under it. Add to that the fact that ancient Mayans used to sink human sacrifices down in them and I’m not sure why I ever wanted to go in one in the first place!

At the time though, I thought it was super cool. And I thought it was even cooler that my dive instructor told me to go jump in with all my gear on and wait for him. Like, I was so profesh at diving that he trusted me to go in by myself. No one had ever let me do that before!...."

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