"Things aren't good right now, 
so we're stuck with couch, can't go on a trip. 
But It's no problem for us to see great travel photos 
and fun experiences on the internet, right?

So I'm going to share the ultimate travel experience 
all over the world with you guys. 
Let's see together and enjoy the trip with your heart."


you want to work and travel? Pack your bags! Today I'll tell you how to make money while traveling! Here is one of the most extensive lists of the best travel jobs in the world!

"My dear reader, stranger, friend, I'm thrilled you're reading this right now! This blog post is for you. I want to help you to find jobs that allow you to travel! I want to give you plenty of inspiration and ideas on how to make money traveling.
One piece of advice upfront: Create a list with all your skills, talents, interests, hobbies, every kind of knowledge you have. Then go through this list and check what things you can combine with travel, and how you could possibly turn this into a business. Needless to say, it's easier to make money with something that you truly love to do.
Ready to get inspired? I hope the following 50 travel job ideas will give you some new perspective! "

Teach English Abroad

If you're not a fluent English speaker, skip to the next one. Teaching English abroad is one of the most common ways to earn money and dig into a completely different culture. There are job opportunities almost everywhere, many companies will pay your flights and apartment. South Korea and Japan are well paid countries for English teachers. 

(Travel) Photographer

A dream job for many of us: Travel the world and make money taking pictures. While there is a massive competition and many people are willing to work in exchange for free trips, it's hard nowadays to make money as a travel photographer. But... if you're really good, give it a shot! Literally.

Make sure to build a professional portfolio on sites like Instagram or 500px. I have friends who started out on Instagram and are now living their dream, having one of the best traveling jobs in the world. They offer their photography services to companies in the tourism and travel industry. If you have an outstanding portfolio, you might be able to get photo jobs in the travel industry, i.e with tourism boards, resorts, tour companies, etc. Additionally, you could offer workshops and photography tours and teach people your best techniques.

Writer & Editor

You're good at expressing yourself in words? You love to tell stories and have a great writing style? There are tons of opportunities to get a paid writing gig. It helps if you already have a blog where you published some of your stories. I got paid writing gigs through my blog, for BBC Travel and other magazines.

Alternatively, you could also work for companies and get paid for writing blog posts, newsletters, brochures, press releases, eBooks, copy writing, or just editing. There are plenty of freelance writing gigs,





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